Matthew Miner's Marvelous Maps


Planets by State Map

One may think the number of planets in existence is a rather fixed concept, regardless of one's location. While true the the physical heavens indeed do not change as you cross state lines, the legal definition of a planet is not so constant. As any thing, like fruits and vegetables, the definition of a planet can vary from state to state. There is no objective criteria for what constitutes a planet. Famously, in 2006 the International Astronomical Union (IAU) changed its definition of a planet to exclude Ceres, Pluto, and Eris as instead "dwarf planets". This change was not universally accepted, and a few states have explicitly rejected the IAU's blanket definition and upheld the traditional teaching of Pluto planethood.

Current as of 2024.

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The content on this site is my understanding of the law and does not constitute legal advice.