Matthew Miner's Dota 2 Data


Hardest Dota 2 Counters

Many heroes in Dota 2 have a hard time against certain other heroes. However a few heroes seem almost specially designed to destroy one particular enemy hero. Here are the hardest counters in the game, where two heroes facing each other changes their win rates more than any other.

The win rate changes are calculated by comparing the win rate of the counterer against the counteree with the win rate of the counterer against all other heroes. For example, "+30%" means if both heroes would usually have a 50% win rate, it would instead be 65% against that particular hero. If the countering hero usually has a 60% win rate and the countered hero usually has a 40% winrate, there would naturally be a 69% win rate between them, so that actual rate would be a 0% change. If it was actually 75.9%, this would show an unexpected +10% change.

Counterer Counteree Win Rate Change
Lone DruidSpectre+27.36%
Lone DruidSilencer+25.29%
Lone DruidAnti-Mage+23.80%
Lone DruidMedusa+23.63%
Lone DruidStorm Spirit+23.38%
MeepoStorm Spirit+22.91%
Lone DruidEmber Spirit+22.45%
MeepoFaceless Void+22.36%
BroodmotherOutworld Destroyer+21.91%
Lone DruidFaceless Void+21.27%
Lone DruidWraith King+21.04%
Lone DruidNight Stalker+20.38%
MeepoWraith King+20.33%
MeepoVengeful Spirit+20.08%
BroodmotherChaos Knight+19.94%
BroodmotherNight Stalker+19.46%