Foundations of Law I
God told man to have dominion over the earth. Genesis 1.
- God gives man title to property with respect to other people, but He gives the responsibility of stewardship with respect to God.
- Man has delegated authority to exercise prudent dominion over property.
- Man cannot have superior title to God.
- Property that is not subdued remains God’s, but with the authority for one to subdue it.
God owns all things. Genesis 14; Psalm 50; Psalm 24; Colossians 1.
Commandments against stealing and coveting. Exodus 20.
Proverbs 31 woman.
Matthew 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Jesus said to give to the hungry, thirsty, naked, and poor. Matthew 25.
Jesus said to "lend, hoping for nothing again" in Luke 6.
Ananias and Sapphira were killed for lying about giving all their profit. Acts 5.
Property is given by God.
- Job 1:21
And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.
Blackstone on Property
- Foundation of Property ownership?
- Genesis 1, the dominion mandate.
- Title to man?
- God gave man title to the land “in common to all.”
- Why personal property?
- How does one lay claim to property?
- First taker: 1st to occupy or possess gave the original right to permanent property ownership
- Right to transfer personal property?
- Right to transfer is a creature of civil or municipal laws.
- It is not a natural right.
Kent on Property
- Foundation of Property ownership
- Genesis 1, the dominion mandate.
- Title to man?
- Disagreed with Blackstone; God did not give man title to property “in common to all.”
- Why personal property?
- How does one lay claim to property?
- First taker: 1st to occupy or possess gave the original right to permanent property ownership.
- Right to transfer personal property?
- Right to transfer is an unalienable natural right.
- Foundation of Property ownership
Locke on Property
- Foundation of Property ownership?
- The Bible.
- Title to man?
- God gave man title to the land “in common to all.”
- Why personal property?
- It was made for man, and it is no use to man unless he can lay some exclusive claim to it.
- How does one lay claim to property?
- By adding labor to it.
- Right to transfer personal property?
- Right to transfer is an unalienable natural right.